The Story

The album “Moving Spaces,” the predecessor to this captivating sequel, gained such popularity that it sold out on vinyl records and cassettes, a testament to the timeless quality of Laura Dre’s music. Her unique ability to transport listeners to the past while crafting fresh, contemporary soundscapes has won her a dedicated following.

In “Moving Spaces II: Twilight,” Laura Dre not only continues her exploration of the human experience but elevates it to new heights. This album invites you to embrace the joys and complexities of life and love while reveling in the nostalgia of the 80s, all in the company of a truly gifted artist. Laura Dre is not merely a musician; she’s a storyteller, and this album is a beautifully crafted story of moving on, moving forward, and moving your heart.

The album was successfully funded on Indiegogo by 147 backers on Oct., 26th 2023.

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Moving Spaces II: Twilight

Release Date : October 31, 2023
Artist : Laura Dre
Catalog ref. : LD002

Prepare to be transported through time and emotion with “Moving Spaces II: Twilight,” the latest enchanting musical journey by the talented Laura Dre. With this album, Laura seamlessly intertwines 80s retro vibes and the magic of synthesizers, adding a touch of modern finesse. This synthpop gem, featuring Laura’s smooth, evocative vocals, weaves a dreamy soundscape that will teleport you back to the neon-lit, nostalgic world of the 1980s.

Released on: Vinyl, CD, Cassette