Happy Saturday everyone! 🙂

It’s been a while since I last sent out a newsletter, and I’m sorry for the delay! As you can see, I’ve given my website a fresh new look and design. The previous version was feeling a bit cluttered, so this makeover was much needed!

New Downloads

Now, with a revamped design, I’ve focused on organisation and added more content for you to enjoy! ^_^ One exciting addition is the dedicated download section! You can now easily access all your MS II perks there. If you’re a supporter, keep an eye out for the download code, which will be distributed via Indiegogo soon (if you haven’t received it already).

In addition, I’m thrilled to announce that AKARI LD-01 now has a new download available: the “classified files,” which now includes the first version of Shinjuku from 2018. The previous classified files didn’t have the extra mp3. If you backed this project on Kickstarter, you can find the code on the classified files card in your parcel.

And for fans of Kyoto Dreams, there’s something special for you too! You can now download the KD map as a digital file for free.

Of course, Moving Spaces is also available for download. Just use the code provided on the postcard that came with my first LP.


In terms of organisation, all my albums are now listed under “projects” for physical media visuals, while the releases page contains a Spotify player, behind-the-scenes stories, lyrics for single releases, videos, and more.

If you’re interested in my videos, you’ll find them in a dedicated section. Click on videos, then “view more videos” to access all my videos, where you can filter by official videos, lyric videos, collabs, and more.


From now on, all my future newsletters will be posted on my website, but don’t worry, you’ll still receive an email with a link to it.


In the shop, you can now find AKARI LD-01 shirts and hoodies. I’ll be adding MSII stuff soon, as well as making digital album downloads available for those who prefer not to use Bandcamp. The only difference between my online store and Bandcamp is the currency, and some digital downloads might include a few extras, like high-resolution images for some of the albums I have in my store.

Kickstarter / Indiegogo updates

Now to some updates on Kickstarter: the AKARI LD-01 campaign has completed shipping, which is fantastic news!

And as for Indiegogo: MSII – Twilight CDs and cassettes have started shipping to EU this month, with new download perks also becoming available on my website (supporters only). Now I’m just waiting for the vinyls to arrive before shipping out the rest. 🙂

New release out!

Lastly, I’m excited to share that a new “When I Fall” remix by ANDY ELLIS was released last Friday (12th April 2024). If you haven’t heard it yet, be sure to give it a listen! We also had a Remix Release Party on my Discord channel, which was a blast! If you missed it, make sure to join us for the next one. Here’s the link to my Discord server: https://discord.gg/K87CtV2bxR.

As for releases planned for this year, I’m taking a break from creating music. But don’t worry, I’ll be back in 2025! ^_^

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend,


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